
How To Get Legendary Gear Gotham Knights

Gotham Knights - Workbench

Gotham Knights has a crafting arrangement that lets you brand new gear to keep you punchin' and whackin' those Gotham Urban center criminals. This is a organization that y'all're going to demand to take advantage of if you want to stay alee of the game'southward enemies, which calibration upwards to meet your character level. With low-level gear on a loftier-level character, you're actually going to struggle.

Unfortunately, Gotham Knights' crafting system is a footling obtuse. It's an odd system that feels kind of out of place in this game world, and the game as well doesn't bother to explicate any of it to you. Just don't fret and don't sweat, because I've spent a agglomeration of time figuring out all the ins and outs of how information technology all works. And at present that I've put in that effort, I'm going to share my compensation with the rest of the Gotham Knights-playing world.

Using the workbench

Gotham Knights - Workbench

You'll exist doing your crafting at the workbench in the Belfry. If you lot're not sure where to locate it, information technology'due south but to the correct of the Batcomputer.

When yous interact with the workbench, yous'll bring up a menu that allows yous to craft gear in three categories: Adapt, Melee, and Ranged. I probably don't demand to explain this, just Suit is your outfit, Melee is your primary weapon, and Ranged is your secondary weapon. The concluding part is a petty confusing, actually, as Red Hood's weapons don't exactly fit neatly into these categories. His pistols are categorized nether Melee, and his ammo is categorized nether Ranged. Yeah, it'southward not a perfect organization.

Gotham Knights - Blueprints

Every bit you lot can meet in the epitome above, each of these three categories has its ain icon; a shied representing Suit, a fist representing Melee, and a crosshairs representing Ranged. Note that Suit will affect your advent, and Melee volition affect the appearance of your weapons, just Ranged doesn't seem to take an bear on on aesthetics at all (Barbara'due south Batarangs seem to be an exception to this).

Save and blueprints

You need two things to arts and crafts anything in this game: a set of blueprints and the required salvage. Both of these things are acquired the same mode. Yous can loot them off enemies, you can find them in chests, or you can get them as rewards for completing missions and challenges.

Anything you've earned will testify up on the left side of your screen for a brief moment.

Gotham Knights - Blueprints

Or, if it's a mission reward, it will evidence upward briefly under the completion text.

Gotham Knights - Blueprints

Blueprints accept prissy little icons that expect like a square with i of the corners folded over. But don't confuse this with mods, which have a similar icon, though it's shaped similar a square with all four corners cut off, then it's almost an octagon. I'll talk more than about mods later, but but know that both blueprints and mods use the same shield, fist, crosshairs icons to show you which category they belong to. All of these icons should take a number at the bottom, which represents the level of that design or mod.

These are also color-coded to show their rarity level.

Gotham Knights - Blueprints

White is Common, light-green is Uncommon, blue is Rare, orangish is Heroic, purple is Epic, and yellow is Legendary.

At present, every crafting pattern requires specific components, which are called salvage in this game. If you want to expect through your current stock of save, y'all can do so in the Crafting menu whenever yous're in the Belfry — you don't even have to manually walk up to the Batcomputer or workbench; you lot can only open your menu (by belongings down the touchpad, if you're playing on PS5) and navigate to the Crafting section.

Gotham Knights - Salvage

This will prove y'all all of the piles and piles of salvage yous've managed to collect. It doesn't really matter what this stuff is called, merely if you're curious, starting in the upper left-paw corner and moving to the right, the epitome in a higher place shows:

  • Polymer
  • Titanium Mesh
  • Graphene Fiber
  • Organic Composite
  • Industrial Solvent
  • Rare Earth Metals
  • Colloidal Crystal
  • Electrum
  • Accelerant

Polymer can be found pretty much anywhere, but the other components driblet from specific factions. Titanium Mesh and Rare Globe Metals, for case, driblet from the Mob faction, while Industrial Solvent and Accelerant drib from the Freaks faction.

Honestly, I wouldn't get too hung up on relieve, though, because you'll exist collecting then much of information technology that you lot'll about ever have what you need without having to go out and grind it as well much.

Dismantling erstwhile gear

Gotham Knights - Dismantle

All of your current gear is held in your Gear menu, merely if you want to become rid of some of it, yous can dismantle any piece of gear to break it down into components. If you're playing on PS5, you lot simply go to your Gear carte du jour, select an particular, and printing the L3 button. This will bring up a listing of components you'll get for dismantling the particular. If you're cool with information technology, y'all tin confirm that you lot want to dismantle it. If non, you can back out at this point without completing the dismantling procedure.

At present, there's a tooltip in the game that claims you accept limited storage, just I've never hitting my maximum capacity for any particular, so I don't really know if this is truthful or not. If yous're worried nigh it at all, dismantling your gear will go along your inventory slots nice and make clean.

Weird crafting mechanics

Gotham Knights - Dance Off

Crafting is super weird, and there are some odd behaviors you should be aware of if you're going to do a lot of information technology. So here are some full general observations that I made during my hours and hours of crafting in Gotham Knights.

Stats seem super random. The stats of any blueprint seem to be completely randomized. In general, higher-level items will accept improve stats than lower-level ones, simply there's also the rarity factor, every bit well as some plain ol' randomness.

You lot can arts and crafts items while out on patrol. You lot have full access to crafting while exploring Gotham City, but anything you craft volition be waiting for y'all at the Tower.

You volition always earn blueprints specific to the grapheme you are playing. Barbara will only always earn Batgirl blueprints, and Jason volition only ever earn Red Hood blueprints.

Blueprints are single-use-only. Crafting something destroys the blueprint permanently. Kind of. This doesn't seem to be true all of the fourth dimension, for some reason? I'g doing more experimentation on this to see if I can nail it downward.

Items earned via story missions seem to be shared across characters. This is a really weird exception to the previous ii observations. Whenever you lot earn gear as a mission advantage, it does seem to carry over to your other characters. So, if Barbara earns a Heroic tonfa as a mission reward, Dick Grayson will larn a Heroic pair of sticks that match the stats of Barbara's tonfa.


Gotham Knights - Modchips

Okay, now allow's become to mods (or modchips). As you get afterward into the game, yous will observe (and craft) items that include modern slots. These slots tin can be filled with modchips. Mods fall into the aforementioned three categories as the rest of your gear (Adjust, Melee, and Ranged), so they tin only exist used with gear from the aforementioned category. A Suit mod can only exist used on Suits, for example.

To slot a modernistic, go to the Crafting carte, and then navigate to the Mods tab. You should see all of your mods here. Now, only select i, then select the slice of gear yous want to add it to.

If you don't have whatever mods notwithstanding, you might not be deep enough into the game to exist finding them. I personally started noticing them at around level 10, and they seemed pretty common afterwards that bespeak.

Y'all can really fuse mods to brand more powerful versions, which is also a good way of cleaning upwards your mod inventory. Basically, get into the Mods tab of your Crafting menu, so press triangle (if you're playing on PS5) to open up upwardly the Fusion menu. Now, y'all'll need to select four modchips that will so be fused together into i college-stat modchip.

You tin can combine chips across stats, and even across categories, and if you lot do, it seems like the result is kind of random. You lot can also stack 4 mods of the aforementioned stat in the same category to ensure you'll create a powerful modernistic with a specific stat. For instance, yous might desire to stack 4 Suit mods that all have the Health stat to get a single mod that has an even college Wellness stat.

There does seem to be a limit for how loftier these can become, though. I tried jamming as much Wellness equally I could onto a single mod, and the result was that I just burned through a lot of mods without increasing the Health stat whatever further.

If y'all want to unequip a mod, merely select the piece of gear that has the modernistic equipped, then printing the R3 button (on PS5). This allows you to either swap your current mods with other ones, or even unequip all of your currently equipped ones.

Styles, transmogs, and colorways

Gotham Knights - Colorways

Finally, allow's talk about style. Basically, your cosmetic options interruption down into ii categories: tansmogs and colorways. Transmogs are taking 1 arrange's aesthetic while keeping the stats of another suit. So, your equipped adapt is what determines your stats, while your transmog is what determines your look.

You don't have to apply a transmog to your electric current adapt if you don't want to. With transmogs, you lot aren't immune to tweak the finer details of your suit. So, unremarkably yous can change visual touches of your suit, including colors, gloves, bat symbol, etc. You can't do this with transmogs.

And that brings us to colorways. Colorways are sets of colors that yous can apply to your currently equipped suit.

At present, both transmogs and colorways demand to be unlocked. As far every bit I can tell, transmogs are unlocked once you successfully arts and crafts a detail type of suit. And then one time you lot arts and crafts a Year Ane suit, yous'll take access to the Year One transmog. Equally far as colorways, the unlocking process is a bit more vague. At that place's a tooltip that explains that you tin can unlock colorways by completing missions and challenges, but I've had a hard time matching my colorway collection with my mission progress. Information technology does seem kind of random.


And at that place you go. That's pretty much everything I've been able to figure out about crafting in Gotham Knights. Go out there and make some stuff, Derailed!


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